Maryia Bialkovich

Ён выцірае саломай нож, падыходзіць да парсюка і нож устаўляе ў дзірку што ў грудной клетцы. 

He wipes the knife with a bunch of straw, walks over to the pig and inserts the knife into the hole in the rib cage.

ЁН У пана вочы загарэліся, такі ласунак яму зараз будзе! Разадраў свой жывот дый памёр.

HE The Master’s eyes lit up, he was going to get such a treat! He ripped his belly open and died. 

Ён ускрывае грудную клетку, у таз адтуль цячэ кроў. 

He opens up the pig’s chest, blood flows into the basin. 

ЯНА А баба кішку тую дажавала дый да хаты пайшла. Бо не дурак жа той дзед сам з леса не выбрацца. 

SHE The Missus finished her sausage and went home. After all, her Old Man wasn’t that stupid to not get home on his own. 

ЁН А дзед ужо у хаце даўно, дзічка закалоў, саломай абклаў ды бабу чакае – кішкі смачныя рабіць! 

HE And the Old Man was at home already! He stuck a boar, covered it with straw and was waiting for his Missus to make pork sausages together. 

Ён і Яна смяюцца і смачна цалуюцца ў вусны. 

Him and Her laugh and kiss passionately. 

ЯНА Ты ж толькі як будзеш каму расказваць на жывёлаў памяняй. 

SHE If you’re gonna tell this story to anybody, just change the characters into some animals. 

ЁН Добра, будзе пра лісу, ваўка і зайца. 

HE Okay, it’ll be about a fox, a rabbit and a wolf then. 

Ён бярэ ў рукі таз, яны выходзяць з хлева. 

He takes the basin and they leave the barn. 


A Room. The Woman sits in an armchair, a Journalist (female) sits next to her with a recorder in her hand. Bright lighting is set up, the Cameraman looks into the camera on the tripod: filming is in progress.

WOMAN To be honest, I don’t remember anything about them. I mean, I don’t know anything. I don’t even know their names. 

Everyone is silent for a while.

WOMAN I know about a home-made pork sausage.