WOMAN What happened?
Sitcom laugh track.
WOMAN What happened?
Sitcom laugh track.
WOMAN What happened?
Sitcom laugh track.
WOMAN Fucking hell. It’s totally fucked up.
The Woman gets up and walks out of the café into the street. She fumbles for Journalist’s 4 business card in her pocket. Then she makes a call.
Note from the project authors:
In contrast to most scenes in the play that are written in Russian, this one is in the Belarusian language. In order to preserve the author’s intention and authenticity, we give the original text in Belarusian and the translation into English. Perhaps you will find the way how to convey this.
Вёска, хлеў. Пасярод хлеву ляжыць парсюк, у сэрцы невялікая рана ад нажа. Яна ходзіць вакол парсюка, абкладае таго саломай. Заходзіць Ён, у руках вялікі таз. Ён ставіць таз побач з парсюком, бярэ салому, дапамагае Ёй абкладаць.
A stable in a village. A pig lies in the middle of the stable, a small knife wound pounding in its heart. She walks around the pig, covering it with straw. He comes in, holding a large basin. He puts the basin next to the pig, takes the straw and helps Her cover it.
ЯНА А сёння якую?
SHE Which one is it today?
ЁН Жылі-былі дзед і баба.
HE Once upon a time there was an Old Man and his Missus.
ЯНА Такія мы ўжо старыя, па 20 гадоў усяго!
SHE Hey, we’re not that old, we’re just 20!
ЁН (смяецца) Дык гэта не пра нас!
HE (laughs) But it’s not about us.
ЯНА Ага, ну.
SHE Yeah, okay.
ЁН Ну дык жылі-былі. І пайшоў неяк дзед па дзіка ў лес.
HE Well, where are we? So one day the Old Man went to the woods to fetch a wild boar.