Vera Glavinskaya

Super Member (s/he) said:

I once had a private chat where a person asked to translate me 🙂 It was long and very funny.

Lyalya Brook (s/he) said:

I’m also in trouble. I learn while working. I also speak as good as I can. Yes, dominance, private chats, etc., are not for me yet, but not all at once. After work, I think about what words I need to learn in order to answer them. I read their slang, I learn to understand. I study all these abbreviations. I used to go only to Polish sites, I learned a list of phrases in Polish. I used to listen to the pronunciation, how the translator says it, and tried to answer in Polish. The main thing is not to be shy and to be able to laugh at yourself if you blurt out garbage. It happened that I translated a phrase incorrectly and agreed to something that I do not do, or said some nonsense. Like he writes, how are you doing, and I write to him about my height. Some even enjoy teaching and helping. When my earnings dropped, I realized that it was necessary to expand the field of activity with dirty talk, instructions, etc., in order not to be left penniless.


SHE. I remembered the first moment. In 2019, I had a man from another city, and we had sex online. I would send some pictures, videos, we’d have conversations and the man would cum. And then he would say, “I’ll send you some money, go buy something for yourself.” The first times I refused, it offended me. And then there was sincere sex, and when he offered to send me some money before my birthday, I was like, well, okay. He transferred me the money, I spent it on some very daily need like groceries. And then I realized it was cool. But I didn’t want money for sex, I wanted money from him as from a man who wants to … please me. Give me something,  keep me safe. And a couple of times it was like “this is for you for New Year’s Eve, for dinner”, etc. And then it began to move into “listen, I gave you this much, and if you create an account, then you can receive thrice as much.” And I realized it was bullshit.

SOMEBODY. Webcams are about the possession of the female body. A woman can sit on a dildo attached to the wall for money, at the behest of someone, but this is her choice. She can turn off the camera, she has the power. It’s about destigmatization. Just a service for money, work. I’ll only shove something up my ass if you pay, not because you’re stronger.

If they don’t pay, you won’t sit on a dick. But if they want to have you seated on something else, no one will pay for it. Understand?

SHE. This does not work. What remains are materials that I have no control over. Someone could film everything with a phone or record a screen.

SOMEBODY. To keep it to oneself. Not to post it anywhere else, just to keep it on the phone and use it when needed.