He’s not dangerous! He’s like…
MAX. Ehmmm… So?… Hehe.
MAYA. And then there’s an upper-former, Ilya. He’s like, top. Totally top. You know? There’s always one like that in every school. He’s not like super talented, or handsome, or strong, he’s just at the top and everyone loves him for it. Ilya makes eyes at Yana, but takes no action. She doesn’t know how to hit on him. He’s smiling at one girl today, another tomorrow. And Max… They’re both in the same gang. They’re scoffing at him a bit, as the younger one, but also stand up for him. And so Max and Yana go on dates. I mean, what kind of dates are those? The movies. Two hours of some Marvel bullshit with bangs and superheroes. Yana’s bus comes first. And so she goes off. Not even a kiss. Imagine, so awkward. And then he texts her.
MAX. “Got home alright, babe?”
MAYA. They’re serious.
YANA. “Yup.”
MAX. “I won’t sleep if I don’t see you tomorrow.”
MAYA. Yana doesn’t reply.
MAX. “You know the difference between blood and you?”
MAX. “Blood enters the heart and leaves it. But you stay there forever.”
MAYA. That’s all so funny. But come on, remember your first time. Imagine, you have your great expectations. Instead you get to watch a stupid film, the guy beside you grunts and sweats, even fails to take you by the hand. And then this.
YANA. Babe. Babe. Babe.
MAYA. Yana repeats that to herself. She smiles. It’s sweet. And she agrees to another date. And then at some point, through Max, she gets to know Ilya. And he starts texting her.
ILYA. “Got shorter shorts?”
YANA. “None of your business☺”
ILYA. “Stop torturing the kid, I know you only want me.”
YANA. “Keep dreaming.”
ILYA. “You already had some?”
“I wanna take your virginity with that cola bottle I’m drinking now.”
“You know what that’s called?”
“Google it.”
“Just make sure your folks aren’t home.”
“And then tell me how you like it.”
YANA. “Perv ☺”
MAX. Who’s texting?